Municipal Patents in Chile

First we need to ask, what is a Municipal Patent? It’s a necessary permission to carry out any commercial activity that needs a permanent location. It’s granted by the municipality where the activity is carried out or the business is located. If our interest is to have a clothing store, we need to have [...]

2019-01-24T18:09:04-03:00January 24, 2019|News|0 Comments

Supreme Court Comments on the Migration Law Draft

On May 20th of 2013, president Sebastián Piñera introduced a migration bill with the purpose of replacing the current regulation about the matter, which dates from 1975. A few months later that same year, the congress ordered the Supreme Court of Justice to issue a report with their opinions in the matter, especially about articles [...]

2018-10-12T12:00:05-03:00October 12, 2018|News|0 Comments