Visa Subject to Contract

The Visa Subject to Contract is aimed at foreigners traveling to Chile to comply with an employment contract. This visa may also be granted to those who are in the national territory and who intend to settle in the country for the same purpose. This permit can be granted for a maximum period of up to 2 years. After term of the [...]

2020-09-07T05:09:46-03:00November 19, 2019|News|2 Comments

New Contribution System for Self-Employed Workers

As of February 2019, a new law for independent workers is in force, which modifies the norms of compulsory incorporation to the social security for workers who issue professional services invoices, establishing a gradual mechanism for the payment of contributions and access to pension and health benefits. This law has been in force since [...]

2019-04-08T17:27:49-03:00April 8, 2019|News|0 Comments

Opportunity Visa: Temporary Residency Visa for Workers (or people who want to search for Jobs in Chile)

As indicated in the article published by our team on July 12th, two new temporary visas have been incorporated in order to encourage foreigners who wish to work and live in our country. Since August 1st, foreign citizens can apply to an “Opportunity Visa”, which can be: Temporary Residency Visa for Workers (or to search for [...]

2018-08-03T00:41:53-03:00August 3, 2018|News|0 Comments